
时间: 2025-01-17 10:23:49





  1. ①纣(商朝最后一位君主名)纣是商朝最后一位君主,他的统治以奢华和暴虐著称。

  2. ②纣(形容词)形容词,意指残暴、奢侈。

【Zhou】 近义词: 联想词


  1. 残暴

  2. 奢侈

  3. 暴虐


  1. 商朝

  2. 君主

  3. 历史

  4. 暴政

  5. 豪华


1. 纣王以奢华著称。
   The King Zhou is known for his extravagance.
2. 他的统治充满了暴政。
   His reign was full of tyranny.
3. 纣王的故事在中国历史上广为流传。
   The story of King Zhou is widely spread in Chinese history.
4. 很多人都对纣王的奢侈感到震惊。
   Many people were shocked by King Zhou's extravagance.
5. 纣王的统治最终导致了商朝的灭亡。
   The rule of King Zhou eventually led to the fall of the Shang Dynasty.
6. 纣王的名声在历史上非常负面。
   King Zhou's reputation in history is very negative.
7. 在历史书中,纣王常被作为暴君的典型。
   In history books, King Zhou is often cited as a typical tyrant.
8. 纣王的奢华生活与百姓的苦难形成鲜明对比。
   King Zhou's extravagant lifestyle forms a stark contrast to the suffering of the common people.
9. 纣王时期,国家动荡不安。
   During King Zhou's reign, the country was in turmoil.
10. 纣王的名字成为了残暴的代名词。
   King Zhou's name has become synonymous with brutality.