时间: 2024-12-29 16:53:54【market】怎么读
1. n. 市场;行情;股票市场;市面;集市;销路;商店
2. vt. 在市场上出售
3. vi. 做买卖
4. n. (Market)人名;(塞)马尔凯特
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:市场;交易场所;销售活动的总和。
- 定义:市场是一个经济概念,指的是商品和服务的买卖活动的场所,或特定类型的商品和服务的交易环境。
- 词性:名词、动词
2. 词源与起源:
词源分析:该单词源自拉丁语 "mercatus",意为“市场”或“交易”,而 "merx" 意为“商品”。这个词经过古法语 "market" 进入英语。
- **教材:通常在初高中经济、商务课程中出现。
- 牛津、美国教材:大学经济学、市场营销课程中常见。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在商业报告、经济分析或学术论文中使用,如“市场分析显示需求增长。”
- 非正式:日常对话中,如“我去市场买菜。”
- 法律:市场法规、市场竞争法等领域使用,如“反垄断法旨在保持市场竞争。”
- 科学:在经济学研究中,讨论市场机制或市场模型。
4. 示例句子:
The market for electric cars is expanding rapidly.
电动汽车的市场正在迅速扩大。 -
She bought fresh vegetables at the local market.
她在当地的市场买了新鲜的蔬菜。 -
The stock market crashed last year.
去年股票市场崩盘了。 -
They are conducting a market survey to understand consumer preferences.
他们正在进行一项市场调查,以了解消费者偏好。 -
The market for organic products is growing.
*. He decided to market his new invention online.
- The market conditions are favorable for investment.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- bazaar:主要指中东或南亚的集市,通常是露天的。
- commerce:指更广泛的商业活动。
- trade:强调交易的行为或过程。
- monopoly:指市场被单一企业控制,缺乏竞争。
- nonmarket:指不涉及市场交易的活动。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:通过学“/ˈmɑːrkɪt/”的发音,进行重复练,帮助记忆。
- 词根记忆法:注意“merc”是与交易、商品相关的词根,帮助理解其他相关词汇,如“merchant”(商人)。
7. 关联词汇:
- consumer(消费者)
- demand(需求)
- supply(供应)
- competition(竞争)
- trade(贸易)
- economy(经济)
1、[N-COUNT] A market is a place where goods are bought and sold, usually outdoors. 市场
例:He sold boots at a market stall.他在市场的一个摊位上卖靴子。
2、[[商业]] The market for a particular type of thing is the number of people who want to buy it, or the area of the world in which it is sold. 需求量; 商品行销地区
例:The foreign market was increasingly crucial.国外的市场越来越关键了。
3、[[商业]] The market refers to the total amount of a product that is sold each year, especially when you are talking about the competition between the companies who sell that product. 年总销售量
例:The two big companies control 72% of the market.这两家大公司控制了72%的市场份额。
4、[[ADJ n]] If you talk about a market economy, or the market price of something, you are referring to an economic system in which the prices of things depend on how many are available and how many people want to buy them, rather than prices being fixed by governments. 市场的
例:Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.他们的最终目标是为匈牙利建立市场经济。
例:He must sell the house for the current market value.他必须按照目前的市场价格出售这套房子。
5、[[商业]] To market a product means to organize its sale, by deciding on its price, where it should be sold, and how it should be advertised. 营销
例:...if you marketed our music the way you market pop music.…如果你按照营销流行音乐的方式营销我们的音乐。
6、[[商业]] The job market or the labour market refers to the people who are looking for work and the jobs available for them to do. 就业市场
例:Every year, 250,000 people enter the job market.每年有250000人进入就业市场。
7、[[商业]] The stock market is sometimes referred to as the market. 股票市场
例:The market collapsed last October.股票市场去年10月崩盘了。
8、[[商业]] If you say that it is a buyer's market, you mean that it is a good time to buy a particular thing, because there is a lot of it available, so its price is low. If you say that it is a seller's market, you mean that very little of it is available, so its price is high. 买方市场; 卖方市场
例:Don't be afraid to haggle: for the moment, it's a buyer's market.别怕讨价还价:目前是买方市场。
9、[PHRASE] If you are in the market for something, you are interested in buying it. 很想购买
例:If you're in the market for a new radio, you'll see that the latest models are very different.如果你想买台新收音机,你会发现最新的款型很不同。
10、[[商业]] If something is on the market, it is available for people to buy. If it comes onto the market, it becomes available for people to buy. 在市场上出售
例:...putting more empty offices on the market.…把更多的闲置办公间投入市场。
11、[[商业]] If you price yourself out of the market, you try to sell goods or services at a higher price than other people, with the result that no one buys them from you. 要价过高而未能成交
例:At $250,000 for a season, he really is pricing himself out of the market.一个赛季要25万美元,他确实要价太高,让别人不敢问津了。