
时间: 2025-01-17 10:12:20





  1. ①雒,雒城,中国古代的地名Luocheng ist ein alter Name in China.

  2. ②雒水,指雒河Der Luo Fluss fließt durch die Provinz Shaanxi.

【Lǔ】 近义词: 联想词


  1. 河流

  2. 水系

  3. 沟渠

  4. 溪流


  1. 水流

  2. 江河

  3. 湿地

  4. 土地


1. 雒水潺潺流过这片土地。
   The Luo River flows gently through this land.
2. 在古代,雒城是一个重要的贸易中心。
   In ancient times, Luo City was an important trading hub.
3. 雒河两岸的风景如画。
   The scenery along the banks of the Luo River is picturesque.
4. 在雒水边,许多农民种植水稻。
   Many farmers grow rice by the banks of the Luo River.
5. 雒水的清澈吸引了许多游客。
   The clarity of the Luo River attracts many tourists.
6. 他在雒城找到了他的根。
   He found his roots in Luo City.
7. 雒水的水质对生态环境很重要。
   The water quality of the Luo River is important for the ecosystem.
8. 雒城的历史可以追溯到几千年前。
   The history of Luo City can be traced back thousands of years.
9. 在雒水的岸边有很多小动物。
   There are many small animals along the banks of the Luo River.
10. 雒城的文化遗产吸引了考古学家。
   The cultural heritage of Luo City attracts archaeologists.
11. 雒水的流动使得周围的土地变得肥沃。
   The flow of the Luo River enriches the surrounding land.
12. 古人通过雒水进行航运。
   Ancient people shipped goods along the Luo River.
13. 在雒水旁边搭建了许多小屋。
   Many small huts were built by the Luo River.
14. 雒水的流动为城市提供了水源。
   The flow of the Luo River provides water for the city.
15. 雒城的节日吸引了成千上万的游客。
   The festivals in Luo City attract thousands of tourists.
16. 雒水的水面波光粼粼。
   The surface of the Luo River shimmers in the sunlight.
17. 雒城的市场上总是热闹非凡。
   The market in Luo City is always bustling with activity.