文件 - document
报告 - report
会议 - meeting
授权 - authorization
合规 - compliance
审计 - audit
法规 - regulation
条款 - clause
合同 - contract
决议 - resolution
1. 这是一个官方声明。
@This@ is an official statement.
2. 他是官方代表。
He is an official representative.
3. 官方政策将于下个月生效。
The official policy will take effect next month.
4. 我们需要遵守官方规定。
We need to comply with the official regulations.
5. 官方文件已被批准。
The official document has been approved.
6. 请查看官方网站获取更多信息。
Please check the official website for more information.
7. 这是官方发布的新闻。
@This@ is news released by the official source.
8. 官方统计数据在这里。
The official statistics are here.
9. 他获得了官方认证。
He received official certification.
10. 官方会议将在明天举行。
The official meeting will be held tomorrow.
1. 这是一个官方声明。
@This@ is an official statement.
2. 他是官方代表。
He is an official representative.
3. 官方政策将于下个月生效。
The official policy will take effect next month.
4. 我们需要遵守官方规定。
We need to comply with the official regulations.
5. 官方文件已被批准。
The official document has been approved.
6. 请查看官方网站获取更多信息。
Please check the official website for more information.
7. 这是官方发布的新闻。
@This@ is news released by the official source.
8. 官方统计数据在这里。
The official statistics are here.
9. 他获得了官方认证。
He received official certification.
10. 官方会议将在明天举行。
The official meeting will be held tomorrow.