裙子 - skirt
裤子 - pants
衬衫 - shirt
外套 - coat
鞋子 - shoes
时装 - fashionable clothing
运动服 - sportswear
内衣 - underwear
休闲装 - casual wear
传统服饰 - traditional attire
1. 她今天穿了一件漂亮的裙子。
She is wearing a beautiful skirt today.
2. 这件外套很适合冬天。
@This@ coat is perfect for winter.
3. 我喜欢时尚的服装。
I like fashionable clothing.
4. 他买了一些新裤子。
He bought some new pants.
5. 她的鞋子看起来很舒服。
Her shoes look very comfortable.
6. 运动服适合健身时穿。
Sportswear is suitable for exercising.
7. 他在寻找一件合适的衬衫。
He is looking for a suitable shirt.
8. 夏天的时候我喜欢穿轻便的衣服。
I like to wear light @clothes@ in the summer.
9. 她的配饰很有个性。
Her accessories are very unique.
10. 这家店有很多品牌的服装。
This store has many brands of clothing.
1. 她今天穿了一件漂亮的裙子。
She is wearing a beautiful skirt today.
2. 这件外套很适合冬天。
@This@ coat is perfect for winter.
3. 我喜欢时尚的服装。
I like fashionable clothing.
4. 他买了一些新裤子。
He bought some new pants.
5. 她的鞋子看起来很舒服。
Her shoes look very comfortable.
6. 运动服适合健身时穿。
Sportswear is suitable for exercising.
7. 他在寻找一件合适的衬衫。
He is looking for a suitable shirt.
8. 夏天的时候我喜欢穿轻便的衣服。
I like to wear light @clothes@ in the summer.
9. 她的配饰很有个性。
Her accessories are very unique.
10. 这家店有很多品牌的服装。
This store has many brands of clothing.