时间: 2024-12-29 16:43:11【body】怎么读
1. n. 身体;主体;大量;团体;主要部分
2. vt. 赋以形体
3. n. (Body)人名;(英、法、罗)博迪
1. 基本定义
"Body" 的字面含义是“身体”或“实体”,通常指人或动物的物理结构。
清晰定义:指一个生物的物理结构,通常包括头部、躯干、手和腿;也可以指任何物体的整体或主体部分。 -
2. 词源与起源
"Body" 源于古英语 "bodig",可能与古德语的 "bodi" 和古诺尔斯语的 "bóð" 相关,意指“身体”或“躯体”。该词根可能与整体性和物理形态相关。 -
"Body" 在英语中的首次使用可以追溯到公元前5世纪的古英语文献,主要用于描述人类和动物的物理结构。 -
在牛津和美国的教材中,"body" 也会在初学者和中级英语学者的词汇表中出现,尤其是在与健康、**、科学等主题相关的单元中。
3. 使用场景
- 正式语境:在医学或科学文献中,"body" 常用于描述生物结构。例如:“The human body consists of various systems.” (人体由多个系统组成。)
- 非正式语境:在日常对话中,"body" 可用于指代某个人,例如:“I saw Tom's body at the gym.”(我在健身房见到了汤姆。)
在法律领域,"body" 可指代尸体,如“The police found the body in the river.”(警方在河中发现了尸体。)在艺术中,"body" 也可能指代雕塑或人体艺术。
4. 示例句子
The human body is a complex biological system.
人体是一个复杂的生物系统。 -
She has a fit body due to regular exercise.
她的身材健美是因为定期锻炼。 -
The body of the report should include all findings.
报告的主体应包括所有发现。 -
In literature, the body often symbolizes mortality.
在文学中,身体往往象征着死亡。 -
The body of water was calm and peaceful.
*. The body language of the speaker conveyed confidence.
After the concert, the audience had a body of questions for the band.
音乐会结束后,观众对乐队有一堆问题。 -
The artist's new sculpture captures the beauty of the human body.
这位艺术家的新雕塑捕捉到了人类身体的美。 -
They discovered a body in the abandoned house.
他们在废弃的房子里发现了一具尸体。 -
The body of evidence led to the suspect's arrest.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Form(形状,强调外形)
- Frame(框架,强调结构)
- Figure(形状,常用于描述人的体型)
这些词的微小差异在于,"form" 更加注重外观,"frame" 强调结构的支撑,而 "figure" 常用于描述人的外形。
- Spirit(灵魂,强调非物质的部分)
- Mind(心智,强调思维和意识)
. 学方法
通过发音 /ˈbɒdi/ 来记忆该词,可以尝试将其分为两个音节 "bo" 和 "dy"。联想 "bo"(像“博”)和 "dy"(像“弟”),可以想象一个博学的弟弟,帮助你记忆这个词。 -
记住 "body" 是与物理形态相关的词汇,可以联想其他以 "bod-" 开头的词,如 "bodily"(身体的)和 "embody"(体现)。
7. 关联词汇
- frequently used with:
- "body language"(肢体语言)
- "body temperature"(体温)
- "body structure"(身体结构)
- "body of evidence"(证据链)
- "body image"(身体形象)
这些词汇在日常交流、科学研究和心理学中频繁使用,与 "body" 有密切的关联。
1、[N-COUNT] Your body is all your physical parts, including your head, arms, and legs. 身体
例:The largest organ in the body is the liver.体内最大的器官是肝脏。
2、[N-COUNT] You can also refer to the main part of your body, except for your arms, head, and legs, as your body. 躯干
例:Lying flat on the floor, twist your body on to one hip and cross your upper leg over your body.平躺在地板上,躯干扭向胯一侧,将上边的腿跨过躯干。
3、[N-COUNT] You can refer to a person's dead body as a body. 尸体
例:Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician.官方说他们在这位政治家的尸体上没有发现任何暴力痕迹。
4、[N-COUNT] A body is an organized group of people who deal with something officially. 团体; 组织
例:She was elected student body president at the University of North Carolina.她当选为北卡罗莱纳大学学生社团主席。
5、[N-COUNT] A body of people is a group of people who are together or who are connected in some way. 一群 (人)
例:...that large body of people which teaches other people how to teach.…教别人如何教学的那一大群人。
6、[N-SING] The bodyof something such as a building or a document is the main part of it or the largest part of it. 主体; 正文
例:The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio.教堂的主体已经被改建成了巨型电视演播室。
7、[N-COUNT] The body of a car or aeroplane is the main part of it, not including its engine, wheels, or wings. 车身; 机身
例:The only shade was under the body of the plane.惟一的阴凉处是机身下面。
8、[N-COUNT] A body of water is a large area of water, such as a lake or an ocean. (水域) 一大片
例:It is probably the most polluted body of water in the world.这也许是世界上最为污染的一片水域。
9、[N-COUNT] A body of information is a large amount of it. 大量
例:An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives.越来越多的证据表明在一生中我们所有人有时在体内都会出现癌细胞。
10、[N-UNCOUNT] If you say that an alcoholic drink has body, you mean that it has a full and strong flavour. (酒的) 醇味
例:...a dry wine with good body.…醇味佳的干葡萄酒。