
时间: 2024-12-29 18:32:40





1. adj. 聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;厉害的;潇洒的;剧烈的;时髦的

2. n. (Smart)人名;(法)斯马尔;(英、德)斯马特


CET4   TEM4   ( smarting, smarted, smarter, smarts, smartest )



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思
    "Smart" 的字面含义是聪明的、机智的,通常用来形容一个人的智力、反应能力或外观的精致程度。

  • 词性
    形容词 (adjective),名词 (noun),动词 (verb)。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析
    "Smart" 源自古英语“smeortan”,意为“刺痛”或“尖锐”,引申为“聪明”的含义。

  • 历史背景

  • 课本
    在**的英语教材中,"smart" 通常在中小学阶段出现,尤其是在形容词的基本使用和描述外观时。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在商务会议中可以描述某个方案的“smart solution”(聪明的解决方案)。
      例句:The team proposed a smart solution to the problem.

    • 非正式:用来形容一个人的衣着或外表,如“you look smart today!”(你今天看起来很聪明/很时尚!)。

  • 特殊场合
    在科技领域,"smart" 常常用来形容智能设备,如“smartphone”(智能手机)或“smart home”(智能家居)。
    例句:The smart home technology allows for remote control of appliances.

4. 示例句子

  1. She is very smart and always gets good grades.

  2. The smart design of the product attracted many customers.

  3. He made a smart move by investing early.

  4. The smart student solved the puzzle quickly.

  5. They launched a smart app that helps users manage their time.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • Clever:通常指机智或灵巧,强调解决问题的能力。
    • Intelligent:强调智力水平。
    • Stylish:在描述外观时,可以用来表示时尚。
  • 反义词

    • Stupid:表示缺乏智力或常识。
    • Unfashionable:形容不时尚或不合潮流。

*. 记忆方法

选择 谐音联想记忆
"Smart" 可以联想到“聪明”的声音,例如把“smart”想象成“斯玛特”的声音,像是一个聪明的小孩在说:“我知道!”可以通过这种联想加深记忆。

7. 关联词汇

  • Smart phone(智能手机)
  • Smart watch(智能手表)
  • Smart home(智能家居)
  • Smart decision(聪明的决定)
  • Smart casual(休闲但不失优雅的穿着)



1、[ADJ] You can describe someone who is clever or intelligent as smart. 聪明的; 机智的

  1. 例:He thinks he's smarter than Sarah is.他认为他比萨拉更聪明。

2、[[英国英语]] Smart people and things are pleasantly neat and clean in appearance. 整洁的

  1. 例:He was smart and well groomed but not good looking.他时髦而且打扮整齐,但是长得不帅。

  2. 例:I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit.我穿一身整洁的海军蓝制服。

3、[[ADV with v]] smartly 整洁地

  1. 例:He dressed very smartly, which was important in those days.他穿得非常整洁,这在当时很重要。

4、[[英国英语]] A smart place or event is connected with wealthy and fashionable people. 时髦的

  1. 例:...smart dinner parties.…时髦的宴会。

5、[V-I] If a part of your body or a wound smarts, you feel a sharp stinging pain in it. (身体某部位或伤口) 刺痛

  1. 例:My eyes smarted from the smoke.我的双眼被烟熏得刺痛。

6、[[usu cont]] If you are smarting from something such as criticism or failure, you feel upset about it. (因批评或失败) 感到难受

  1. 例:The Americans were still smarting from their defeat in the Vietnam War.美国人仍在为越战中失利而难受。