
时间: 2024-12-29 20:00:42





1. n. 秘密;秘诀;机密

2. adj. 秘密的;机密的

3. n. (Secret)人名;(法)塞克雷


CET4   TEM4   ( secrets )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思
    "Secret" 字面意思是指某些信息、事实或状态不为公众所知的情况。

  • 词性
    名词 (noun)、形容词 (adjective)。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析
    "Secret" 源自拉丁语 "secretus",意为“分开、隐藏”。它由前缀 "se-"(意为“分开”)和动词 "crescere"(意为“增长”)组合而成,强调了隐藏和保留的概念。

  • 历史背景
    "Secret" 一词的首次使用可以追溯至中世纪英语,约在14世纪被引入英语,常用于**和法律文献中,表示需要保持的机密信息。

  • 课本
    在*的英语教材中,"secret" 常出现于初中和高中阶段的英语学中,例如《新概念英语》系列。
    在牛津和美国的教材中,"secret" 通常会在初中英语教科书中出现,涉及到日常对话和基础阅读理解。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在法律文件中,"The agreement includes a clause to protect trade secrets."
    • 非正式:在日常交流中,"I have a secret to tell you."

    引证解释:在正式场合中,"secret" 可能涉及法律、商业机密等,而在非正式场合中,多用于个人隐私或社交场合。

  • 特殊场合
    在法律领域,"secret" 指商业秘密(trade secret),如 "The company must safeguard its trade secrets to maintain competitive advantage."
    在艺术领域,"secret" 常指隐喻或象征,如在文学作品中,秘密往往代表内心的冲突或情感。

4. 示例句子:

  1. She whispered a secret in my ear.

  2. The secret to success is hard work and dedication.

  3. He kept his plans a secret from everyone.

  4. There are many secrets hidden in this ancient book.

  5. Trust is essential when sharing secrets with friends.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Confidential:偏重于需要保密的性质,例如 "confidential information"(机密信息)。
    • Mystery:强调未知和不为人知的特性,例如 "a mystery to solve"(一个待解的谜)。

    微小差异:虽然 "confidential" 和 "secret" 都与隐私有关,但前者通常用于正式场合;而 "mystery" 更侧重于不可知和探索的概念。

  • 反义词

    • Public:指为大众所知的信息,如 "public knowledge"(公众知识)。
    • Open:强调透明度和不隐瞒的状态,如 "open discussion"(公开讨论)。

. 学方法:

选择 词根记忆法

  • 学* "secret" 时,可以通过理解其拉丁词根 "secretus" 来加深记忆。联想 "分开" 和 "隐藏",可以帮助记忆其含义。
  • 例如,想象一个秘密被“分开”不让他人看到,进一步联系到保密的概念。

7. 关联词汇:

  • Keep (保持)
  • Reveal (揭示)
  • Hidden (隐藏的)
  • Whisper (低声说)
  • Trust (信任)

这些词汇在使用 "secret" 时频率很高,构成了与秘密相关的常见表达。


1、[ADJ] If something is secret, it is known about by only a small number of people, and is not told or shown to anyone else. 秘密的; 保密的

  1. 例:Soldiers have been training at a secret location.士兵们一直在一个秘密的地方训练。

2、[ADV] secretly 秘密地

  1. 例:He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.他戴了一个窃听器秘密录下了谈话。

3、[N-COUNT] A secret is a fact that is known by only a small number of people, and is not told to anyone else. 秘密

  1. 例:I think he enjoyed keeping our love a secret.我想他喜欢对我们的恋情保密。

4、[N-SING] If you say that a particular way of doing things is the secret of achieving something, you mean that it is the best or only way to achieve it. 秘诀

  1. 例:The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing.成功的秘诀是诚实和公平交易。

5、[N-COUNT] Something's secrets are the things about it which have never been fully explained. 奥秘

  1. 例:We have an opportunity now to really unlock the secrets of the universe.我们现在有机会真正揭开宇宙的奥秘。

6、[PHRASE] If you do something in secret, you do it without anyone else knowing. 秘密地

  1. 例:Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret.丹发现了我一直和前男友秘密见面。

7、[PHRASE] If you say that someone can keep a secret, you mean that they can be trusted not to tell other people a secret that you have told them. 保守秘密

  1. 例:Tom was utterly indiscreet, and could never keep a secret.汤姆言行完全不慎重,从来守不住秘密。

8、[PHRASE] If you make no secret of something, you tell others about it openly and clearly. 不保密

  1. 例:His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions.他的妻子不隐瞒她对正式场合的厌恶。