
时间: 2024-12-29 17:21:06





1. adj. 大的;重要的;量大的

2. adv. 大量地;顺利;夸大地

3. n. (Big)人名;(土)比格


CET4   TEM4   ( bigger, biggest )



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思:这个单词的字面含义是“大的”或“巨大的”,用于描述体积、程度、数量等方面的庞大。
  • 词性:形容词 (adjective)

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析:该词源自古英语“bigga”,其根源可能与古挪威语“biggr”相关,意为“强壮的”或“巨大的”。

  • 历史背景:该词在英语中首次出现于15世纪,常用于形容体积或规模。

  • 课本

    • 在**的英语教材中,通常出现在小学和初中阶段。
    • 在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在小学阶段进行教学。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在商务或学术场合,可能用来描述市场规模或研究结果。
      • 例:The big data analytics can transform business strategies. (大数据分析可以改变商业策略。)
    • 非正式:在日常对话中,通常用于描述物体、人的体型或数量。
      • 例:I have a big dog. (我有一只大狗。)
  • 特殊场合

    • 法律:在法律文件中,可能用来描述法律条款的范围。
      • 例:The big implications of this ruling cannot be ignored. (这一裁决的重大影响不容忽视。)
    • 科学:在科学讨论中,描述量级或规模。
      • 例:We are studying big galaxies. (我们在研究大星系。)

4. 示例句子

  1. The elephant is a big animal.
  2. She made a big mistake in her calculations.
  3. There’s a big difference between these two products.
  4. He has big dreams for his future.
  5. The cake was too big for the table.
    (蛋糕太大了,放不下桌子。) *. They live in a big house near the park.
  6. The big storm caused severe damage.
  7. The company is making big profits this year.
  8. She gave a big smile when she saw her friend.
  9. He is a big fan of classical music.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • large:通常用于描述尺寸或程度,语境更为正式。
    • huge:强调尺寸的极大,通常用于物理对象。
  • 反义词

    • small:表示尺寸或数量的微小。
    • tiny:表示非常小的,常用以强调微小程度。

. 学方法

  • 音标记忆法:记住“big”的音标/ bɪɡ /,联想为“比格”的发音,想象一个大狗比格犬(Beagle)。
  • 词根记忆法:联想“big”与“生长(grow)”的概念,想象一棵大树。

7. 关联词汇

  • big deal:重要的事情
  • big picture:全局观
  • big heart:宽厚的心
  • big win:重大胜利



1、[ADJ] A big person or thing is large in physical size. (体积、体态) 大的

  1. 例:Australia's a big country.澳大利亚是一个幅员辽阔的国家。

  2. 例:Her husband was a big man.她丈夫是个身材高大的男人。

2、[ADJ] Something that is big consists of many people or things. (数量) 多的

  1. 例:The crowd included a big contingent from Cleveland.人群中包括一个来自克利夫兰的大型代表团。

3、[ADJ] If you describe something such as a problem, increase, or change as a big one, you mean it is great in degree, extent, or importance. 重大的; 严重的

  1. 例:Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own.她的问题太严重了,她无法独力应付。

4、[ADJ] A big organization employs many people and has many customers. (规模) 大的

  1. 例:...one of the biggest companies in Italy.…意大利规模最大的公司之一。

5、[[ADJ n, v-link ADJ 'in' n]] If you say that someone is big in a particular organization, activity, or place, you mean that they have a lot of influence or authority in it. 有影响力的

  1. 例:Their father was very big in the army.他们的父亲在军界很有威望。

6、[[ADJ n]] If you call someone a big bully or a big coward, you are emphasizing your disapproval of them. (用以强调厌恶等语气) 大的

  1. 例:His personality changed. He turned into a big bully.他性格变了,成了一个大坏蛋。

7、[[ADJ n]] Children often refer to their older brother or sister as their big brother or sister. 年龄较大的

  1. 例:She always introduces me as her big sister.她总对别人介绍我是她的姐姐。

8、[[非正式]] Big words are long or rare words which have meanings that are difficult to understand. 艰深难懂的 (词)

  1. 例:They use a lot of big words.他们用许多难懂的大词。

9、[[非正式]] If you make it big, you become successful or famous. 获得巨大成功

  1. 例:Capone was an underdog hero, a poor boy who made it big.卡彭是个草莽英雄,一个飞黄腾达了的穷小子。

10、[PHRASE] If you think big, you make plans on a large scale, often using a lot of time, effort, or money. 着眼大局

  1. 例:Maybe we're not thinking big enough.也许我们不够着眼大局。