时间: 2024-12-29 17:30:33【Work】怎么读
1. n. 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;事业;工厂;著作;文学、音乐或艺术作品
2. vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进
3. vi. 工作;运作;起作用
4. n. (英、埃塞)沃克(人名)
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Work的字面含义是“劳动”或“工作”,指的是为了实现某种目标而进行的体力或脑力活动。
- 词性:Work可以作为名词和动词使用。
- 名词:指一项工作、任务或职业。
- 动词:指进行工作、劳动或完成某项任务。
2. 词源与起源:
- 词源分析:Work源自古英语“weorc”,意为“劳动、工作”。它的词根“worc”与其它日耳曼语系的词汇(如德语的“Werk”)相关联。
- 历史背景:Work这个词在英语中的使用可以追溯到9世纪,常用于描述体力劳动和职业活动。
- 课本:在*的教材中,work通常出现在小学至初中的英语课本中;在牛津和美国的教材中,work也常见于初级至中级的英语学材料。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式与非正式语境:
- 正式:在商业、学术或法律环境中,work常用于描述工作职责、任务或项目。
- 例子:The work must be completed by the deadline.(这项工作必须在截止日期前完成。)
- 非正式:在日常交流中,work可以用来描述任何形式的劳动或努力。
- 例子:I have a lot of work to do this weekend.(这个周末我有很多工作要做。)
- 特殊场合:在法律领域,work可以指与劳动法相关的工作条件或权利。
- 例子:Workers have the right to a safe work environment.(工人有权享有安全的工作环境。)
4. 示例句子:
- I need to finish my work before I can go out.
我需要完成我的工作才能出去。 - She was praised for her hard work on the project.
她因在项目上的辛勤工作而受到表扬。 - The director asked us to work overtime this week.
导演要求我们本周加班。 - He prefers to work from home rather than in the office.
他更喜欢在家工作,而不是在办公室。 - Work-life balance is essential for mental health.
工作与生活的平衡对心理健康至关重要。 *. The artist's work was displayed in the gallery.
这位艺术家的作品在画廊展出。 - They are looking for someone to work as a team leader.
他们在寻找一个人担任团队领导。 - My work involves a lot of traveling.
我的工作涉及大量出差。 - She has a lot of work experience in marketing.
她在市场营销方面有丰富的工作经验。 - Can you help me with my homework? It's hard work!
5. 同义词与反义词:
- 同义词:
- Task(任务):通常指具体的工作或职责。
- Job(工作):可以指一份职业或岗位。
- Labor(劳动):强调体力或艰苦的工作。
- 反义词:
- Leisure(休闲):指没有工作的状态,放松和娱乐的时间。
- Idleness(闲散):指没有做任何事情,处于无所事事的状态。
. 学方法:
- 词根记忆法:可以将“work”与其词根联系,通过联想“work”与“劳动、职业”相关的词汇,如“worker”(工人)、“workshop”(车间)等,以帮助记忆。
7. 关联词汇:
- 常与work搭配使用的词汇包括:
- Work hard(努力工作)
- Work schedule(工作日程)
- Work environment(工作环境)
- Work experience(工作经验)
- Workload(工作负担)
1、[V-I] People who work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. 工作
例:I started working in a recording studio.我开始在一个录音棚里工作。
例:He worked as a teacher for 50 years.他从事教师工作50年了。
例:I want to work, I don't want to be on welfare.我想工作,我不想依靠救济。
2、[V-T/V-I] When you work, you do the things that you are paid or required to do in your job. 工作
例:I can't talk to you right now – I'm working.我这会儿不能和你说话–我正在工作。
例:He was working at his desk.他正在伏案工作。
例:They work forty hours a week.他们一周工作40个小时。
3、[V-I] When you work, you spend time and effort doing a task that needs to be done or trying to achieve something. 努力从事
例:Linda spends all her time working on the garden.琳达用所有的时间在那座花园里劳作。
例:The government expressed hope that all the sides will work toward a political solution.该政府希望所有各方致力于一个政治解决方案。
4、[V-I] If someone is working on a particular subject or question, they are studying or researching it. 研究
例:Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type.博内特教授多年来一直在研究这类分子。
5、[V-I] If you work with a person or a group of people, you spend time and effort trying to help them in some way. 帮助
例:She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer.她用一段时间帮助即将死于癌症的人们。
6、[V-I] If a machine or piece of equipment works, it operates and performs a particular function. (机器或设备) 运转
例:The pump doesn't work and we have no running water.这个水泵不运转了,我们没有自来水。
7、[V-I] If an idea, system, or way of doing something works, it is successful, effective, or satisfactory. (想法、系统或方法) 奏效
例:95 percent of these diets do not work.这些节食方法中的95%都不奏效。
8、[V-I] If a drug or medicine works, it produces a particular physical effect. (药物) 起作用
例:I wake up at 6 a.m. as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours.我早上6点醒来,因为这种安眠药作用不会超过9个小时。
9、[V-I] If your mind or brain is working, you are thinking about something or trying to solve a problem. (脑子或思想) 运转
例:My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.我的脑子疯狂地运转着, 将那天晚上发生的事情过了一遍。
10、[V-I] If you work on an assumption or idea, you act as if it were true or base other ideas on it, until you have more information. 基于 (一个假设) 而行动
例:We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion.我们正依据它是一起燃气爆炸的假设而行动。
11、[V-T] If you work someone, you make them spend time and effort doing a particular activity or job. 使干活
例:They're working me too hard. I'm too old for this.他们让我干得太苦。我干这个年纪太大了。
12、[V-T] When people work the land, they do all the tasks involved in growing crops. 开垦
例:Farmers worked the fertile valleys.农民们开垦了这个肥沃的山谷。
13、[V-T] If you work a machine or piece of equipment, you use or control it. 操作 (机器或设备)
例:Many adults still depend on their children to work the video.许多成年人仍依靠他们的孩子来操作录像机。
14、[V-I] If something works into a particular state or condition, it gradually moves so that it is in that state or condition. 逐渐变成
例:It's important to put a lock washer on that last nut, or it can work loose.重要的是要在最后一个螺母上安装一个防松垫圈,否则它会逐渐变松。
15、[PHRASE] If you work your way somewhere, you move or progress there slowly, and with a lot of effort or work. 逐渐移动到某处
例:Rescuers were still working their way toward the trapped men.救援人员仍在慢慢地挪近那些被困人员。
16、[N-UNCOUNT] People who have work or who are in work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. 工作
例:Fewer and fewer people are in work.越来越少的人有工作。
例:I was out of work at the time.那时我失业了。
17、[N-UNCOUNT] Your work consists of the things you are paid or required to do in your job. 工作
例:We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do.我们本应该在这做生意。我有工作要做。
例:I used to take work home, but I don't do it any more.我过去常把工作带回家,但现在再也不那样做了。
18、[N-UNCOUNT] Work is tasks that need to be done or things that need to be achieved. 活计
例:There was a lot of work to do on their house.他们的房子有很多活要干。
19、[N-UNCOUNT] Work is the place where you do your job. 工作单位
例:Many people travel to work by car.许多人乘车去工作单位。
20、[N-UNCOUNT] Work is something that you produce as a result of an activity or as a result of doing your job. 工作成果
例:It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work.让中立的第3方来检查你的工作会有所帮助。
21、[N-COUNT] A work is something such as a painting, book, or piece of music produced by an artist, writer, or composer. 作品; 著作
例:In my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work.在我看来,这是伦勃朗最伟大的作品。
22、[N-UNCOUNT] Someone's work is the study or research that they have done on a particular subject or question. 研究
例:Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent smokes.他们的研究显示,如果父母任何一方吸烟,1岁的婴儿更有可能患过敏。
23、[N-UNCOUNT] Work with a particular person or a group of people is time and effort spent trying to help them in some way. (帮助他人的) 工作
例:She became involved in social and relief work among the refugees.她参加了针对难民的社会救济工作。
24、[N-COUNT-COLL] A works is a place where something is manufactured or where an industrial process is carried out. Works is used to refer to one or to more than one of these places. 工厂
例:...the steelworks in Gary, Indiana.…在印第安纳州盖瑞市的那家钢厂。
25、[N-PLURAL] Works are activities such as digging the ground or building on a large scale. 施工
例:...six years of disruptive building works, road construction and urban development.…6年混乱的建筑施工、路政和城市开发。
26、[PHRASE] If someone is at work they are doing their job or are busy doing a particular activity. 在工作; 在从事某种活动
例:The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil.那些救援队已在拼命工作,设法处理泄漏的油。
27、[PHRASE] If a force or process is at work, it is having a particular influence or effect. 正起作用
例:It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions.重要的是要理解在我们自己的行动背后起作用的那些强大的经济和社会力量。
28、[PHRASE] If you put someone to work or set them to work, you give them a job or task to do. 给某人工作
例:By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work.通过刺激经济,我们将给人们工作。
29、[PHRASE] If you get to work, go to work, or set to work on a job, task, or problem, you start doing it or dealing with it. 开始工作; 着手处理
例:He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit.他承诺着手处理该国严重的赤字问题。