
时间: 2024-12-27 09:47:15





1. adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

2. n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

3. vt. 否定;拒绝


CET4   TEM4   ( negatives )



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思:字面上,“negative”意为“否定的”或“消极的”,通常用来描述不好的、拒绝的或缺乏积极态度的事物。
  • 词性:形容词(adj.),名词(n.)。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析:该词源自拉丁语“negativus”,意为“否定的”,由“negare”(否定)派生而来。前缀“neg-”意为“否定”,后缀“-ive”通常表示具有某种性质或倾向。

  • 历史背景:这个词在英语中的首次记录可追溯到14世纪,最早出现在一些哲学和神学的论述中,用于讨论否定的概念。

  • 课本:在*的英语教材中,特别是在初中和高中阶段,可能会出现关于“negative”作为形容词的用法,如“negative attitude”(消极态度)。在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在学生学形容词和副词的部分会提及,适合初中至高中年级的学生。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式语境:在学术论文、商务报告中,常用“negative impact”(负面影响)等表达。例如,“The negative impact of pollution on health is well-documented.”(污染对健康的负面影响是有充分记录的。)
    • 非正式语境:在日常对话中,可以用“negative”描述情绪或态度。如:“I’m feeling negative about the outcome.”(我对结果感到消极。)
  • 特殊场合

    • 法律:在法律文书中,“negative”可能用于描述无法证明的情况,例如“negative evidence”(否定证据)。
    • 科学:在科学实验中,“negative control”(阴性对照)是指不应产生效果的实验组,以验证实验的有效性。

4. 示例句子

  1. The survey revealed a negative perception of the new policy.

  2. His negative attitude affected the whole team’s morale.

  3. The negative effects of climate change are evident.

  4. She received a negative response to her proposal.

  5. The negative results of the experiment led to further investigation.

*. We need to find ways to turn negative feedback into constructive criticism.

  1. His negative comments were unwarranted and hurtful.

  2. The negative outcome of the trial was disappointing.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • Opposite:表示相反的意思,但不一定带有情感色彩。
    • Adverse:通常用于描述不利的情况,与“negative”相似,但更正式。
  • 反义词

    • Positive:意为“积极的”,在情感和态度上与“negative”相对。
    • Affirmative:表示肯定或赞同,与“negative”形成对比。

. 学方法

  • 音标记忆法:通过学*发音 /ˈnɛɡətɪv/,可以帮助记住单词的发音和拼写。
  • 词根记忆法:识别“neg-”(否定)和“-ive”(性质)可以帮助理解该词的含义。
  • 谐音联想记忆:可以将“negative”联想为“那给没”(在消极情绪中),帮助记忆。

7. 关联词汇

  • Negative feedback(负反馈)
  • Negative impact(负面影响)
  • Negative attitude(消极态度)
  • Negative space(负空间)
  • Negative results(负面结果)



1、[ADJ] A fact, situation, or experience that is negative is unpleasant, depressing, or harmful. 负面的; 消极的

  1. 例:The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative.来自海外的消息完全不容乐观。

2、[[ADV with v]] negatively 负面地

  1. 例:This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year.这将会给前半年的结果带来负面影响。

3、[ADJ] If someone is negative or has a negative attitude, they consider only the bad aspects of a situation, rather than the good ones. 消极的; 持否定态度的

  1. 例:When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it.当被问及你对自己目前工作的看法时,你无论如何都不能持否定态度。

4、[ADV] negatively 消极地

  1. 例:A few weeks later he said that maybe he viewed all his relationships rather negatively.几个星期后,他说或许他把自己和他人的各种关系看得太消极了。

5、[ADJ] A negative reply or decision indicates the answer "no." 否定的

  1. 例:Dr. Velayati gave a vague but negative response.韦拉亚提医生做出了一个含糊但否定的答复。

  2. 例:Upon a negative decision, the applicant loses the protection offered by Belgian law.一旦得到否定裁决,申请人就失去了比利时法律所给予的保护。

6、[[ADV after v]] negatively 否定地

  1. 例:Sixty percent of people answered negatively.60%的人做出了否定回答。

7、[N-COUNT] A negative is a word, expression, or gesture that means "no" or "not." 否定词; 表示否定的动作或姿态

  1. 例:In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet.过去一谈到遵循健康饮食我们就只听到否定的意见。

8、[ADJ] If a medical test or scientific test is negative, it shows no evidence of the medical condition or substance that you are looking for. (医检、试验等) 呈阴性的

  1. 例:So far 57 have taken the test and all have been negative.到目前为止已有57人进行了这项检验,所有人都呈阴性反应。

9、[N-COUNT] In photography, a negative is an image that shows dark areas as light and light areas as dark. Negatives are made from camera film, and are used to print photographs. 底片

  1. 例:...negatives of Diana's wedding dress.…戴安娜婚纱照的底片。

10、[ADJ] A negative charge or current has the same electrical charge as an electron. (电荷或电流) 负极的

  1. 例:Stimulate the injury or site of greatest pain with a small negative current.用一股微弱的负电流刺激伤处或最疼的地方。

11、[[ADV -ed]] negatively 带负电荷地

  1. 例:As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other.由于这些电子都带负电荷,它们会相互排斥。

12、[ADJ] A negative number, quantity, or measurement is less than zero. 负数的

  1. 例:Difficult texts record a positive score and simple ones score negative numbers.难度大的文本标为正值,简单的文本标为负值。

13、[PHRASE] If an answer is in the negative, it is "no" or means "no." (回答等) 否定的

  1. 例:The Council answered those questions in the negative.理事会对那些问题做出了否定回答。