
时间: 2024-12-29 16:53:09





1. n. 希望;祝福;心愿

2. vt. 祝愿;渴望;向…致问候语

3. vi. 愿望;需要

4. n. (Wish)人名;(英)威什


CET4   TEM4   ( wishing, wished, wishes )



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思
    "Wish" 指的是一种希望或渴望,通常与某种愿望或期望的实现相关。

  • 词性

    • 名词(noun):如“a wish”(一个愿望)
    • 动词(verb):如“to wish”(希望)

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析
    "Wish" 源自古英语的 "wiscian",其词根可能与德语的 "wünschen"(希望)有关,表示内心的渴望或愿望。

  • 历史背景
    "Wish" 在英语中的首次使用可以追溯到公元前的一些古代文学作品,特别是在中世纪的诗歌和故事中常常出现。

  • 课本
    在**的教材中,"wish" 常见于初中英语教材,主要是基础语法和表达愿望的句型。
    在牛津和美国的教材中,"wish" 通常出现在初中及高中阶段,涉及条件句和虚拟语气的用法。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式语境:在商业信函中,"I wish to express my gratitude"(我想表达我的感谢)。
    • 非正式语境:在朋友间,"I wish you a happy birthday!"(祝你生日快乐!)。
    • 《简爱》(Charlotte Brontë)中提到的愿望。
  • 特殊场合
    在法律文件中,"wish" 可以用于表达某种法律意图或遗嘱中的愿望。

    • 法律文书中通常会提到“the testator's wishes”(遗嘱人的愿望)。

4. 示例句子

  1. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

  2. She made a wish upon a star.

  3. I wish I could travel more often.

  4. His only wish was for peace in the world.

  5. They wished for good health and happiness.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • Desire:更加强烈的渴望,通常意味着更高的期望。
    • Hope:指对未来某种情况的期待,但不一定是强烈的愿望。
  • 反义词

    • Dislike:表示对某事的不喜欢或拒绝,和"wish"的积极意义相反。
    • Regret:表示对过去事情的懊悔,通常与"wish"的期望相对立。

. 学方法

  • 音标记忆法
    /wɪʃ/ 可以分解为 "w"(像是一个愿望的开始)和 "ish"(像是一种轻微的希望)。可以通过发音的重复来加深记忆。

7. 关联词汇

  • 常用搭配
    • "wish for"(希望得到)
    • "make a wish"(许个愿)
    • "wish you luck"(祝你好运)
    • "wish upon a star"(在星星上许愿)

通过以上分析,可以更全面地理解和记忆 "wish" 这个单词的用法和含义。


1、[N-COUNT] A wish is a desire or strong feeling that you want to have something or do something. 愿望

  1. 例:She was sincere and genuine in her wish to make amends for the past.她诚恳而真心地希望弥补过去的错误。

  2. 例:The decision was made against the wishes of the party leader.这项决定是在违背该党领袖愿望的情况下作出的。

2、[[正式]] If you wish to do something or to have it done for you, you want to do it or have it done. 想要

  1. 例:If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations.如果您想在周末外出,我们的办事处将很高兴为您预定旅馆。

  2. 例:We can dress as we wish now.我们如今想穿什么就可以穿什么。

3、[[no cont]] If you wish something were true, you would like it to be true, even though you know that it is impossible or unlikely. 但愿 (表某事不可能成为现实)

  1. 例:I wish I could do that.我但愿我能做那件事。

  2. 例:Pa, I wish you wouldn't shout.爸,我但愿你不要嚷嚷了。

4、[V-I] If you wish for something, you express the desire for that thing silently to yourself. In fairy tales, when a person wishes for something, the thing they wish for often happens by magic. 默默期盼

  1. 例:Be careful what you wish for. You might get it!留意你所期盼的。你可能会得到它!

5、[N-COUNT] Wish is also a noun. 祈愿

  1. 例:The custom is for people to try and eat 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight. Those who are successful can make a wish.这个习俗是让人们在午夜钟声敲响时试着吃12颗葡萄。那些成功做到这一点的人就可以许个愿。

6、[[no cont, with brd-neg]] If you say that you would not wish a particular thing on someone, you mean that the thing is so unpleasant that you would not want them to be forced to experience it. (不) 希望 (不愉快的事会发生在某人身上)

  1. 例:It's a horrid experience and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.这是一次可怕的经历,我甚至不希望它发生在我仇敌的身上。

7、[V-T] If you wish someone something such as luck or happiness, you express the hope that they will be lucky or happy. 祝愿

  1. 例:I wish you both a good trip.我祝你们俩旅途愉快。

8、[[礼貌]] If you express your good wishes toward someone, you are politely expressing your friendly feelings toward them and your hope that they will be successful or happy. 祝福

  1. 例:I found George's story very sad. Please give him my best wishes.我觉得乔治的经历很可怜。请向他表达我最好的祝福。