皇帝 - emperor
皇后 - empress
贵族 - noble
卫兵 - guard
建筑 - architecture
艺术品 - artwork
历史 - history
旅游 - tourism
文化 - culture
景点 - attraction
1. 这个城市有很多美丽的宫殿。
This city has many beautiful palaces.
2. 皇帝住在宏伟的宫殿里。
The emperor lives in a magnificent palace.
3. 我们参观了一个古老的宫殿。
We visited an ancient palace.
4. 宫殿的建筑风格非常独特。
The architectural style of the palace is very unique.
5. 她梦想着住在一个华丽的宫殿。
She dreams of @living@ in a splendid palace.
6. 这座宫殿是历史的重要遗迹。
@This@ palace is an important historical monument.
7. 宫殿的花园里种满了鲜花。
The garden of the palace is filled with flowers.
8. 他在宫殿里举办了一场盛大的宴会。
He held a grand banquet in the palace.
9. 宫殿的外观令人叹为观止。
The exterior of the palace is breathtaking.
10. 她正在学习关于宫殿的历史。
She is studying the history of palaces.
1. 这个城市有很多美丽的宫殿。
This city has many beautiful palaces.
2. 皇帝住在宏伟的宫殿里。
The emperor lives in a magnificent palace.
3. 我们参观了一个古老的宫殿。
We visited an ancient palace.
4. 宫殿的建筑风格非常独特。
The architectural style of the palace is very unique.
5. 她梦想着住在一个华丽的宫殿。
She dreams of @living@ in a splendid palace.
6. 这座宫殿是历史的重要遗迹。
@This@ palace is an important historical monument.
7. 宫殿的花园里种满了鲜花。
The garden of the palace is filled with flowers.
8. 他在宫殿里举办了一场盛大的宴会。
He held a grand banquet in the palace.
9. 宫殿的外观令人叹为观止。
The exterior of the palace is breathtaking.
10. 她正在学习关于宫殿的历史。
She is studying the history of palaces.