植物 - plant
色彩 - color
芳香 - fragrance
花卉 - floral
园艺 - gardening
1. 这朵花很美。
@This@ flower is beautiful.
2. 我喜欢在花园里种花。
I like to plant flowers in the garden.
3. 她收到了一束鲜花。
She received a bouquet of fresh flowers.
4. 花的颜色很艳丽。
The color of the flowers is vivid.
5. 花香吸引了很多蜜蜂。
The fragrance of the flowers attracted many bees.
6. 春天是花开的季节。
Spring is the season when flowers bloom.
7. 花瓣的形状各异。
The shapes of the petals vary.
8. 他在花店工作。
He works in a flower shop.
9. 我们去花市买花吧。
Let's go @to@ the flower market @to@ buy flowers.
10. 花卉展览吸引了很多游客。
The floral exhibition attracted many tourists.
1. 这朵花很美。
@This@ flower is beautiful.
2. 我喜欢在花园里种花。
I like to plant flowers in the garden.
3. 她收到了一束鲜花。
She received a bouquet of fresh flowers.
4. 花的颜色很艳丽。
The color of the flowers is vivid.
5. 花香吸引了很多蜜蜂。
The fragrance of the flowers attracted many bees.
6. 春天是花开的季节。
Spring is the season when flowers bloom.
7. 花瓣的形状各异。
The shapes of the petals vary.
8. 他在花店工作。
He works in a flower shop.
9. 我们去花市买花吧。
Let's go @to@ the flower market @to@ buy flowers.
10. 花卉展览吸引了很多游客。
The floral exhibition attracted many tourists.