比赛 - match
运动员 - athlete
裁判 - referee
观众 - audience
训练 - training
设备 - equipment
球队 - team
胜利 - victory
对手 - opponent
场地 - venue
1. 这个球场是我们每周训练的地方。
@This@ court is where we train every week.
2. 比赛将在球场上进行。
The match will take place on the court.
3. 我喜欢在球场上打篮球。
I enjoy playing basketball on the court.
4. 球场的设施非常完备。
The facilities at the court are very complete.
5. 请遵守球场的规定。
Please follow @the@ rules of @the@ court.
6. 他们在球场上展开了激烈的比赛。
They had an intense match on the court.
7. 你知道哪里有好的网球场吗?
Do you know where there are good tennis courts?
8. 这个城市有很多足球场。
There are many soccer fields in this city.
9. 裁判在球场上有很重要的角色。
The referee plays an important role on the court.
10. 我们需要在球场上保持安全。
We need to stay safe on the court.
1. 这个球场是我们每周训练的地方。
@This@ court is where we train every week.
2. 比赛将在球场上进行。
The match will take place on the court.
3. 我喜欢在球场上打篮球。
I enjoy playing basketball on the court.
4. 球场的设施非常完备。
The facilities at the court are very complete.
5. 请遵守球场的规定。
Please follow @the@ rules of @the@ court.
6. 他们在球场上展开了激烈的比赛。
They had an intense match on the court.
7. 你知道哪里有好的网球场吗?
Do you know where there are good tennis courts?
8. 这个城市有很多足球场。
There are many soccer fields in this city.
9. 裁判在球场上有很重要的角色。
The referee plays an important role on the court.
10. 我们需要在球场上保持安全。
We need to stay safe on the court.