厨房 - kitchen
食谱 - recipe
烘焙 - baking
甜点 - dessert
糕点师 - pastry chef
快餐 - fast food
餐厅 - restaurant
外卖 - takeout
美食 - cuisine
配料 - ingredient
1. 我喜欢吃苹果馅饼。
I like to eat apple pie.
2. 她在烤箱里放了一个肉饼。
She put a meat pie in the oven.
3. 这家店的蓝莓派很好吃。
The blueberry pie from @this@ shop is delicious.
4. 我们今天晚上要做巧克力派。
We are going to make a chocolate pie tonight.
5. 他是一个优秀的糕点师。
He is an excellent pastry chef.
6. 这种饼干和馅饼很相似。
These cookies are very similar to pies.
7. 我想要一块草莓派。
I would like a piece of strawberry pie.
8. 外面有很多卖派的小摊。
There are many stalls outside selling pies.
9. 她的生日蛋糕是自制的。
Her birthday cake is homemade.
10. 我在网上找到了一个简单的食谱。
I found a simple recipe online.
1. 我喜欢吃苹果馅饼。
I like to eat apple pie.
2. 她在烤箱里放了一个肉饼。
She put a meat pie in the oven.
3. 这家店的蓝莓派很好吃。
The blueberry pie from @this@ shop is delicious.
4. 我们今天晚上要做巧克力派。
We are going to make a chocolate pie tonight.
5. 他是一个优秀的糕点师。
He is an excellent pastry chef.
6. 这种饼干和馅饼很相似。
These cookies are very similar to pies.
7. 我想要一块草莓派。
I would like a piece of strawberry pie.
8. 外面有很多卖派的小摊。
There are many stalls outside selling pies.
9. 她的生日蛋糕是自制的。
Her birthday cake is homemade.
10. 我在网上找到了一个简单的食谱。
I found a simple recipe online.