揭露的英文 - 如何用英语表达揭露的意思
时间: 2024-12-29 02:26:07原文展示
揭露不公正的现象是社会进步的重要一环。 - Exposing injustice is an important part of social progress.
揭露 - exposing
不公正 - injustice
的 - of
现象 - phenomenon
是 - is
社会 - social
进步 - progress
重要 - important
一环 - part
暴露 - expose
揭示 - reveal
不平等 - inequality
改革 - reform
权益 - rights
正义 - justice
真相 - truth
监督 - supervision
透明度 - transparency
责任 - accountability
1. 揭露腐败是维护社会正义的必要措施。
Exposing corruption is a necessary measure to uphold social justice.
2. 我们需要更多的人站出来揭露不公。
We need more people to @stand@ up and expose injustice.
3. 媒体在揭露社会问题中发挥着重要作用。
The media plays an important role in exposing social issues.
4. 只有揭露真相,才能推动社会进步。
Only by exposing the truth can we promote social progress.
5. 揭露不公正的行为是每个公民的责任。
Exposing unjust actions is the responsibility of every citizen.
1. 揭露腐败是维护社会正义的必要措施。
Exposing corruption is a necessary measure to uphold social justice.
2. 我们需要更多的人站出来揭露不公。
We need more people to @stand@ up and expose injustice.
3. 媒体在揭露社会问题中发挥着重要作用。
The media plays an important role in exposing social issues.
4. 只有揭露真相,才能推动社会进步。
Only by exposing the truth can we promote social progress.
5. 揭露不公正的行为是每个公民的责任。
Exposing unjust actions is the responsibility of every citizen.