时间: 2024-12-29 18:50:23【only】怎么读
1. adv. 只,仅仅;不料
2. adj. 唯一的,仅有的;最合适的
3. conj. 但是;不过;可是
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思: "only" 是一个副词,表示“唯一”或“仅仅”。它用于强调某个事物是独一无二的或限制某种情况。
- 词性:副词
2. 词源与起源
词源分析: "only" 源于古英语 "ānlic," 其中 "ān" 意为“一个”,而 "-lic" 是形容词后缀。它通过演变形成现代英语中的 "only"。
课本:在*的教材中,如《新概念英语》、牛津英语教材和美国的《朗文英语教材》中,"only" 作为基础词汇,适用于小学到初中的英语学。
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在学术论文、商务信函中,例如:“This report is only relevant to the current market conditions.”
- 非正式:在日常交流中,例如:“I only want a cup of coffee.”
- 法律:在法律文件中,"only" 用于明确限制的条款,例如:“Only the parties involved may access this document.”
- 科学:在实验或研究中,"only" 表示条件限制,例如:“The results apply only to the tested samples.”
4. 示例句子
I only have one wish.
我只有一个愿望。 -
She only likes chocolate ice cream.
她只喜欢巧克力冰淇淋。 -
He is the only person I trust.
他是我唯一信任的人。 -
This offer is only valid until Friday.
这个优惠仅在周五之前有效。 -
You can only enter with a ticket.
*. I only read that book last week.
Only time will tell.
只有时间会证明。 -
I only want to help you.
我只想帮助你。 -
This is the only solution to the problem.
这是解决问题的唯一方法。 -
The only thing I need is your support.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Solely:强调独占性,例:“He solely focuses on his work.”(他唯一专注于他的工作。)
- Exclusively:强调排他性,例:“This area is exclusively for members.”(该区域仅限会员使用。)
- Inclusively:表示包括所有,例:“The package is inclusively priced.”(套餐价格包含所有费用。)
- Generally:表示普遍,例:“Generally, everyone is invited.”(通常每个人都被邀请。)
. 学方法
- 音标记忆法:学 "only" 的发音 [ˈoʊnli],可以通过朗读和听力练来记忆其音节。
- 词根记忆法:理解 "only" 的词根 “one”,帮助联想“唯一”这一含义。
- 谐音联想记忆:可以联想“我拿了‘唯一’的‘橙子’”来加强记忆。
7. 关联词汇
- only child(独生子女)
- only option(唯一选择)
- only way(唯一的方法)
- only time(唯一的时间)
- only just(刚刚只)
通过上述分析,"only" 这个词在日常生活、正式书写和特定领域中都有广泛的应用,理解其含义和用法对于提高英语水平至关重要。
1、[ADV] You use only to indicate the one thing that is true, appropriate, or necessary in a particular situation, in contrast to all the other things that are not true, appropriate, or necessary. 只有
例:Only the president could authorize the use of the atomic bomb.只有总统能授权原子弹的使用。
例:A business can only be built and expanded on a sound financial base.一家企业只有在稳定的财政基础上才能开办并扩大规模。
2、[[ADV cl/prep]] You use only to introduce the thing which must happen before the thing mentioned in the main part of the sentence can happen. 只有…才
例:The lawyer is paid only if he wins.律师只有打赢官司才会被付费。
例:The Bank of England insists that it will cut interest rates only when it is ready.英格兰银行坚持只有在它做好准备时才会降低利率。
3、[[det ADJ]] If you talk about the only person or thing involved in a particular situation, you mean there are no others involved in it. 惟一的
例:She was the only woman in Shell's legal department.她曾是壳牌公司法律部惟一的女性。
4、[[ADJ n]] An only child is a child who has no brothers or sisters. 独生的
例:The actor, an only child, grew up in the Bronx.那位演员是位独生子,在布朗克斯区长大。
5、[ADV] You use only to indicate that something is no more important, interesting, or difficult, for example, than you say it is, especially when you want to correct a wrong idea that someone has or may get. 仅仅…而已
例:At the moment it is only a theory.眼下,它还只是个理论而已。
例:"I'm only a sergeant," said Clements.“我不过是个中士,”克莱门茨说。
6、[[强调]] You use only to emphasize how small an amount is or how short a length of time is. (强调数量小或时间短) 仅仅
例:Child car seats only cost about $10 a week to rent.儿童汽车座椅租用一周仅花费约$10。
例:...spacecraft guidance systems weighing only a few grams.…重量只有几克的宇宙飞船导航系统。
7、[[强调]] You use only to emphasize that you are talking about a small part of an amount or group, not the whole of it. (强调只是一小部分而非全部) 仅仅
例:These are only a few of the possibilities.这些只是其中的几个可能性。
8、[[强调]] Only is used after "can" or "could" to emphasize that it is impossible to do anything except the rather inadequate or limited action that is mentioned. (用于)(can)(或)(could)(之后,强调除此之外别无他法) 只
例:For a moment I could say nothing. I could only stand and look.一时间我什么也说不出来,只能站在那儿看着。
9、[[强调]] You can use only in the expressions I only wish or I only hope in order to emphasize what you are hoping or wishing. (强调愿望或希望) 确实
例:I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me.既然我的情况正在好转,我真希望他在这儿。
10、[[ADV to-inf]] You can use only before an infinitive to introduce an event which happens immediately after one you have just mentioned, and which is surprising or unfortunate. (用于不定式前) 不料
例:Ron tried the embassy, only to be told that Hugh was in a meeting.罗恩到使馆试了试,不料被告知休正在开会。
11、[[强调]] You can use only to emphasize how appropriate a certain course of action or type of behaviour is. (用来强调适宜性) 很
例:It's only fair to let her know that you intend to apply.让她知道你有意申请是很公平的。
12、[[ADV before v]] You can use only in front of a verb to indicate that the result of something is unfortunate or undesirable and is likely to make the situation worse rather than better. (用于动词前) 反而
例:The embargo would only hurt innocent civilians.禁运反而会伤及无辜的平民。
13、[[非正式]] Only can be used to add a comment which slightly changes or limits what you have just said. (用来补充) 只是
例:It's just as dramatic as a film, only it's real.这真和电影一样富有戏剧性,只不过它是现实。
例:It's a bit like my house, only nicer.这有点儿像我的房子,不过更漂亮些。
14、[[口语]] Only can be used after a clause with "would" to indicate why something is not done. 要不是
例:I'd invite you to come with me, only it's such a long way.要不是路途太远,我就请你和我一起去了。
15、[[强调]] If you say you only have to do one thing in order to achieve or prove a second thing, you are emphasizing how easily the second thing can be achieved or proved. 只要…即可
例:Any time you want a babysitter, dear, you only have to ask.亲爱的,任何时候你想要一个临时照看孩子的人,只要开口说就是了。
16、[[强调]] You can say that something has only just happened when you want to emphasize that it happened a very short time ago. 刚刚
例:I've only just arrived.我刚刚才到。
17、[[强调]] You use only just to emphasize that something is true, but by such a small degree that it is almost not true at all. 勉强
例:For centuries farmers there have only just managed to survive.几个世纪以来,那儿的农民勉强能维持生存。
例:I am old enough to remember the War, but only just.我这个年龄足以记住那场战争,不过只是勉强记得。
18、[[强调]] You can use only too to emphasize that something is true or exists to a much greater extent than you would expect or like. 极其
例:I know only too well that plans can easily go wrong.我非常清楚,计划会很容易出问题。
19、[[强调]] You can say that you are only too happy to do something to emphasize how willing you are to do it. (强调乐意做某事) 太
例:I'll be only too pleased to help them out with any questions.我将十分乐意为他们解决任何问题。