时间: 2024-12-29 15:44:07【here】怎么读
1. adv. 在这里;此时
2. int. 嘿!;喂!
3. n. 这里
4. n. (Here)人名;(罗)赫尔施
- 字面意思: "Here" 意为“在这里”或“此处”,用于指示某个具体的位置或时间。
- 词性: 副词。
- 词源分析: "Here" 源自古英语 "hēre",与德语 "hier" 和荷兰语 "hier" 同源。其根源可以追溯到原始日耳曼语 *hēr,意为“在这个地方”。
- 历史背景: "Here" 的首次使用可以追溯到公元前7世纪的古英语文献。
- 正式与非正式语境:
- 正式语境: 在学术文章中,"here" 常用于引导读者关注特定的论点或数据。
- 非正式语境: 在日常对话中,"here" 用于指示物理位置或强调某个观点。
- 引证例子: "The results presented here indicate a significant improvement." (这里展示的结果表明有显著改善。)
- 特殊场合:
- 在法律文件中,"here" 可能用于指代特定位置或文件内容。例如:“Herein, we state our terms and conditions.”(在此,我们陈述我们的条款和条件。)
- 正式与非正式语境:
- "I live here." (我住在这里。)
- "The meeting will be held here." (会议将在这里举行。)
- "Please come here." (请到这里来。)
- "Here is the report you requested." (这是你要求的报告。)
- "Here we go!" (我们出发吧!)
- *. "The evidence presented here is compelling." (这里提供的证据是有说服力的。)
- "I found it here." (我在这里找到了它。)
- "Here today, gone tomorrow." (今朝在此,明朝离去。)
- "You can see the mountains here." (你可以在这里看到山脉。)
- "Here’s how it works." (这就是它的工作原理。)
- 同义词:
- "There"(那里)— 指代不同的地点,通常为远离说话者的地方。
- "This place"(这个地方)— 更加具体,但通常用于口语中。
- 反义词:
- "There" — 指代远离说话者的地点。
- 同义词:
*. 记忆方法:
- 音标记忆法: /hɪr/ — 可以通过声音来记忆这个词,想象在某个具体的地点大声呼喊“这里”。
- 词根记忆法: 记住 "here" 的含义和使用场景,通过不断使用来加深印象。
- 关联词汇:
- 频繁搭配的词汇包括:
- "come here"(来这里)
- "stay here"(待在这里)
- "right here"(就在这里)
- "over here"(在这里)
- "from here"(从这里)
- 频繁搭配的词汇包括:
1、[ADV] You use here when you are referring to the place where you are. 在这里
例:I'm here all by myself and I know I'm going to get lost.我独自一人在这儿,我知道我会迷路的。
例:Well, I can't stand here chatting all day.唉,我不能一整天都站在这里闲聊。
2、[ADV] You use here when you are pointing toward a place that is near you, in order to draw someone else's attention to it. 在 (所指向的) 这里
例:...if you will just sign here.…如果你愿意就在这里签字。
3、[ADV] You use here in order to indicate that the person or thing that you are talking about is near you or is being held by you. 在身边
例:My friend here writes for radio.我身边这位朋友为电台撰稿。
4、[['be' ADV to-inf]] If you say that you are here to do something, that is your role or function. 来此…
例:I'm here to help you.我是来此帮助你的。
5、[ADV] You use here in order to draw attention to something or someone who has just arrived in the place where you are, or to draw attention to the place you have just arrived at. (通报用语) …来了
例:"Here's the taxi," she said politely.“出租车来了,”她礼貌地说。
6、[ADV] You use here to refer to a particular point or stage of a situation or subject that you have come to or that you are dealing with. 在这一点上
例:It's here that we come up against the difference of approach.正是在这一点上我们遇到方法上的分歧。
7、[ADV] You use here to refer to a period of time, a situation, or an event that is present or happening now. 出现了
例:Economic recovery is here.经济复苏现在开始了。
8、[[ADV 'be' n/wh]] You use here at the beginning of a sentence in order to draw attention to something or to introduce something. (用于句首以引起注意或介绍) 这就是
例:Now here's what I want you to do.听着,这就是我想让你做的事。
9、[[ADV 'be' n]] You use here when you are offering or giving something to someone. 给
例:Here's your coffee, just the way you like it.给,这是你的咖啡,按你口味调的。
例:Here are some letters I want you to sign.给,我这有些信需要你签字。
10、[CONVENTION] You say "here we are" when you have just found something that you have been looking for. 找到了
例:I rummaged through the drawers and came up with Amanda's folder. "Here we are."我翻遍了抽屉,终于发现了阿曼达的活页夹。“找到了。”
11、[CONVENTION] You say "here goes" when you are about to do or say something difficult or unpleasant. 这就开始了 (表示准备做或说困难或不愉快的事)
例:Dr. Culver nervously muttered "Here goes," and gave the little girl an injection.卡尔弗医生紧张地嘀咕了一句“要打了啊”,接着就给那小女孩打了一针。
12、[[非正式]] You use expressions such as "here we go" and "here we go again" in order to indicate that something is happening again in the way that you expected, especially something unpleasant. 又来了
例:"Police! Open up!"—"Oh well," I thought, "here we go."“警察!开门!”—“噢,天哪,”我想,“又来了。”
13、[[强调]] You use here and now to emphasize that something is happening at the present time, rather than in the future or past, or that you would like it to happen at the present time. 眼下
例:I'm a practising physician trying to help people here and now.我眼下是一名尽力帮助别人的专业医师。
14、[PHRASE] If something happens here and there, it happens in several different places. 在各处
例:I do a bit of teaching here and there.我在各处教些书。
15、[[套语]] You use expressions such as "here's to us" and "here's to your new job" before drinking a toast in order to wish someone success or happiness. (祝酒用语) 为…干杯
例:He raised his glass. "Here's to neighbours."他举起酒杯。“为邻居们干杯!”