时间: 2024-12-29 17:23:53【severe】怎么读
1. adj. 严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;苛刻的
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:严重的,严厉的,剧烈的。常用来描述某种程度或状态的严重性。
- 清晰的定义:形容词,指某事物的程度极高,通常带有负面含义,表示痛苦、困难或惩罚的严重性。
- 词性:形容词 (adjective)
2. 词源与起源
- 词源分析:该单词源自拉丁语“severus”,意为“严厉的、严格的”。其词根“sever-”表示“分开、切割”,引申为严格、严肃。
- 历史背景:该词在英语中的首次使用可追溯至14世纪,常用于描述道德或行为的严格性。
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在法律文件中常用来描述判决的严厉性,如“The penalties for such offenses are severe.”(对这种犯罪的惩罚是严厉的。)
- 非正式:在日常交流中,也可以用来形容天气或情绪等,“I had a severe headache.”(我头痛得很厉害。)
- 法律:如“severe penalties”(严厉的惩罚)
- 医学:如“severe symptoms”(严重的症状)
- 科学:如“severe weather conditions”(严酷的天气条件)
4. 示例句子
The storm caused severe damage to the town.
这场风暴给小镇造成了严重的损害。 -
She received a severe reprimand from her boss.
她受到了老板的严厉 reprimand(训斥)。 -
The country is facing a severe economic cr****.
这个国家正面临严重的经济危机。 -
He suffered from severe anxiety during the exam.
他在考试期间遭受了严重的焦虑。 -
The doctor warned him about the severe consequences of smoking.
*. Severe weather is expected this weekend, so stay indoors.
The teacher's severe attitude made the students anxious.
老师的严厉态度让学生感到紧张。 -
She has a severe allergy to peanuts.
她对花生有严重过敏。 -
The severe drought affected the entire region.
严重的干旱影响了整个地区。 -
He made a severe mistake in his calculations.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Harsh:通常用于形容环境或条件的严酷。
- Strict:多用于描述规则或纪律的严格性。
- Acute:多用于医学,表示症状的剧烈程度。
- Mild:表示温和或轻微的状态。
- Gentle:通常形容人或事物的温柔、友好。
- Lenient:表示宽容或不严厉,通常用于法律或教育领域。
. 学方法教学
7. 关联词汇
- severe consequences(严重的后果)
- severe weather(恶劣天气)
- severe pain(剧烈的疼痛)
- severe criticism(严厉的批评)
- severe restrictions(严格的限制)
1、[ADJ] You use severe to indicate that something bad or undesirable is great or intense. 严重的
例:...a business with severe cash flow problems.…一个有严重现金流转问题的企业。
例:Shortages of professional staff are very severe in some places.专业人员的短缺在一些地方十分严重。
2、[ADV] severely 严重地
例:The UN wants to send food aid to 10 countries in Africa severely affected by the drought.联合国想给予10个受旱灾严重影响的非洲国家食品援助。
例:An aircraft overshot the runway and was severely damaged.一架飞机冲出了跑道后严重受损。
3、[ADJ] Severe punishments or criticisms are very strong or harsh. (惩罚、批评) 严厉的
例:This was a dreadful crime and a severe sentence is necessary.这是一种骇人听闻的罪行,重判是必要的。
4、[[ADV with v]] severely 严厉地
例:...a campaign to try to change the law to punish dangerous drivers more severely.…一场试图修改法律以更加严厉地惩罚危险驾车者的运动。