
时间: 2024-12-29 16:44:38





1. n. 疼痛;努力

2. vt. 使…痛苦;使…烦恼

3. vi. 感到疼痛;引起疼痛

4. n. (Pain)人名;(意)帕因;(俄)派因;(法)潘;(英)佩因


CET4   TEM4   ( pained, pains )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Pain refers to an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. It is a complex phenomenon that can be both physical and emotional.
  • 词性:名词(noun),也可以作为动词(verb)使用,尤其在某些口语表达中。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析

    • 该单词来源于拉丁语“poena”,意为“惩罚”,又通过古法语“peine”进入英语。其构成中没有明显的前缀或后缀。
  • 历史背景

    • “Pain”这个词在中世纪英语中首次出现,主要用于文学与医学文献中,描述身体或精神上的不适。
  • 课本

    • 在**的英语教材中,如《新概念英语》中,可能会在初中或高中阶段出现。
    • 在牛津英语词典和美国的中学教材中,也会在生物学或心理学相关章节中出现,通常在高中阶段。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式语境:在医疗、心理学或法律文件中,例如:“The patient reported severe pain in the lower back.”(病人报告下背部有剧烈疼痛。)
    • 非正式语境:在日常对话中,例如:“I’m in a lot of pain after that workout.”(那次锻炼后我疼得厉害。)
  • 特殊场合

    • 在医学领域中,痛感被分类为急性疼痛和慢性疼痛。例如:“Chronic pain can significantly affect a person's quality of life.”(慢性疼痛会显著影响一个人的生活质量。)

4. 示例句子:

  1. I have a sharp pain in my side.

    • 我侧面有一阵尖锐的疼痛。
  2. The doctor prescribed medication to help manage the pain.

    • 医生开了药物来帮助控制疼痛。
  3. Emotional pain can be just as debilitating as physical pain.

    • 情感上的痛苦可能与身体上的痛苦一样令人虚弱。
  4. After the accident, he experienced intense pain for weeks.

    • 事故后,他经历了几周的剧烈疼痛。
  5. She felt a dull pain in her shoulder that wouldn't go away.

    • 她感到肩膀有一种钝痛,始终无法消失。

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Ache:通常指持续的、隐隐的疼痛,强调感受的轻微。
    • Suffering:更侧重于痛苦的心理状态而不仅仅是生理上的疼痛。
  • 反义词

    • Pleasure:指愉悦的感觉,与痛苦相对,是一种积极的情感体验。

. 学方法:


  • 发音:/peɪn/
  • 可以通过将“pain”与“pain(t)”的发音相联系,记住它的发音。

7. 关联词汇:

  • 常与“pain”一起使用的词汇包括:
    • Pain relief(缓解疼痛)
    • Chronic pain(慢性疼痛)
    • Pain management(疼痛管理)
    • Pain threshold(疼痛阈值)
    • Painkiller(止痛药)



1、[N-VAR] Pain is the feeling of great discomfort you have, for example, when you have been hurt or when you are ill. 疼痛

  1. 例:...back pain.…背痛。

  2. 例:To help ease the pain, heat can be applied to the area with a hot water bottle.可以用一个热水瓶在疼痛部位热敷来缓解疼痛。

  3. 例:I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.我感到背的下部一阵剧痛。

2、[PHRASE] If you are in pain, you feel pain in a part of your body because you are injured or ill. 感到疼痛

  1. 例:She was writhing in pain, bathed in perspiration.她正痛得扭动着,大汗淋漓。

3、[N-UNCOUNT] Pain is the feeling of unhappiness that you have when something unpleasant or upsetting happens. 痛苦

  1. 例:...grey eyes that seemed filled with pain.…似乎充满了痛苦的灰色眼睛。

4、[[no cont]] If a fact or idea pains you, it makes you feel upset and disappointed. 使痛苦; 使苦恼

  1. 例:This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.特德残疾的公开使我母亲感到痛苦。

5、[[非正式]] In informal English, if you call someone or something a pain or a pain in the neck, you mean that they are very annoying or irritating. Expressions such as a pain in the arse are also used, but most people consider them offensive. 讨厌鬼; 烦心事

  1. 例:Getting rid of unwanted applications from your PC can be a real pain.从你的个人电脑上删除不需要的应用程序可以是一件很烦人的事。

6、[PHRASE] If you take pains to do something or go to great pains to do something, you try hard to do it, because you think it is important to do it. 下苦功

  1. 例:He took great pains to see that he got it right.他下了很大的功夫以确保他弄对了。