捕获 - capture
逃脱 - escape
陷入困境 - to be in a predicament
策略 - strategy
危险区域 - danger zone
小心 - be careful
陷阱警告 - trap warning
圈套 - snare
诱饵 - bait
监控 - monitor
1. 小心那个陷阱!
Be careful of that trap!
2. 他设下了一个陷阱来捕捉猎物。
He set a trap to capture the prey.
3. 很多人都掉进了这个商业陷阱。
Many people fell into this business trap.
4. 我们需要避免任何可能的陷阱。
We need to avoid any possible traps.
5. 她在游戏里设下了一个陷阱。
She set a trap in the game.
6. 这个地方有很多隐藏的陷阱。
There are many hidden traps in this place.
7. 他用诱饵引诱动物进入陷阱。
He used bait to lure animals into the trap.
8. 陷阱的设计非常巧妙。
The design of the trap is very clever.
9. 要注意不要陷入别人的圈套。
Be careful not to fall into someone else's trap.
10. 这个故事是关于一个聪明的猎人和他的陷阱。
@This@ story is about a clever hunter and his traps.
1. 小心那个陷阱!
Be careful of that trap!
2. 他设下了一个陷阱来捕捉猎物。
He set a trap to capture the prey.
3. 很多人都掉进了这个商业陷阱。
Many people fell into this business trap.
4. 我们需要避免任何可能的陷阱。
We need to avoid any possible traps.
5. 她在游戏里设下了一个陷阱。
She set a trap in the game.
6. 这个地方有很多隐藏的陷阱。
There are many hidden traps in this place.
7. 他用诱饵引诱动物进入陷阱。
He used bait to lure animals into the trap.
8. 陷阱的设计非常巧妙。
The design of the trap is very clever.
9. 要注意不要陷入别人的圈套。
Be careful not to fall into someone else's trap.
10. 这个故事是关于一个聪明的猎人和他的陷阱。
@This@ story is about a clever hunter and his traps.