
时间: 2024-12-29 17:45:32





1. adj. 好的;优良的;细小的,精美的;健康的;晴朗的

2. n. 罚款

3. vt. 罚款;澄清

4. adv. 很好地;精巧地

5. n. (Fine)人名;(意)菲内;(英)法恩


CET4   TEM4   ( finer, finest )



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思: "Fine" 通常指的是某物的质量或状态良好、优秀,或表示高质量、精细、细致等。
  • 词性: 形容词、名词、动词。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析: "Fine" 源自拉丁语 "finis",意为“边界、结束”,由此引申出“精致的、优质的”的含义。其演变经历了古法语 "fin"(精致的、优雅的)等形式。

  • 历史背景: "Fine" 在英语语境中的首次使用可以追溯到中世纪时期,常出现在法律和商业文献中,表示罚款或高质量的商品。

  • 课本: 在*的英语教材中,"fine" 常出现在初中和高中的英语学中。在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在初级到中级水平的口语交流和写作练*中出现。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 在正式语境中,"fine" 可用于描述产品质量、会议中的评价等,例如在商务报告中:“The product quality is fine and meets the required standards.”(产品质量良好,符合要求标准。)
    • 在非正式语境中,可以用来表示满意或同意:“It’s fine with me.”(我没问题。)
  • 特殊场合

    • 法律: "fine" 指罚款,如 “He was ordered to pay a fine for speeding.”(他因超速被罚款。)
    • 艺术: 在艺术领域,"fine" 可用于描述作品的精致程度,如:“This painting is a fine example of impressionism.”(这幅画是印象派的精美范例。)

4. 示例句子

  1. The weather is fine today.

  2. She wore a fine dress to the event.

  3. The fine details in her artwork are impressive.

  4. He received a fine for parking illegally.

  5. Everything will be fine in the end.

*. This fabric is of fine quality.

  1. The fine line between love and hate can be complicated.

  2. It’s fine if you want to change your plans.

  3. The restaurant is known for its fine dining experience.

  4. He has a fine sense of humor.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • Excellent:两者均表示高质量,但 "excellent" 更强调卓越的品质。
    • Superb:表示极好的状态,比 "fine" 更加强烈。
  • 反义词

    • Poor:表示低质量或不佳的状态,与 "fine" 的含义相对立。
    • Bad:一般用于描述质量不好的事物。

. 学方法

  • 音标记忆法:学* "fine" 的发音 /faɪn/,结合音调和语调进行记忆,尝试在日常对话中多次使用。

  • 词根记忆法:通过记住 "finis"(结束、边界)来理解 "fine" 的含义,想象高质量的事物是完美的终点。

7. 关联词汇

  • Fine arts(美术)
  • Fine print(小字部分)
  • Fine line(细微的差别)
  • Fine dining(高档餐饮)
  • Fine-tune(微调)

通过结合以上分析和学方法,学者可以更全面地理解和使用 "fine" 这个单词。


1、[ADJ] You use fine to describe something that you admire and think is very good. 美好的

  1. 例:There is a fine view of the countryside.有一幅美丽的乡村景色。

  2. 例:This is a fine book.这是一本好书。

2、[[ADV -ed]] finely 美好地

  1. 例:They are finely engineered boats.它们是设计精美的船只。

3、[[v-link ADJ]] If you say that you are fine, you mean that you are in good health or reasonably happy. 健康的; 开心的

  1. 例:Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes.莉娜很好,她向你问候并祝福你。

4、[ADJ] If you say that something is fine, you mean that it is satisfactory or acceptable. 令人满意的

  1. 例:The skiing is fine.滑雪挺好的。

  2. 例:Everything was going to be just fine.一切都会好起来的。

5、[ADV] Fine is also an adverb. 令人满意地

  1. 例:All the instruments are working fine.所有的仪器都运转良好。

6、[ADJ] Something that is fine is very delicate, narrow, or small. 精致的; 纤细的

  1. 例:The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms.炙热烤焦了她胳膊上的细毛。

7、[[ADV with v]] finely 精致地; 纤细地

  1. 例:Chop the ingredients finely and mix them together.把这些原料剁得很细然后和在一起。

8、[ADJ] Fine objects or clothing are of good quality, delicate, and expensive. 精致的; 华贵的

  1. 例:We waited in our fine clothes.我们身着华丽的服装等待。

9、[ADJ] A fine detail or distinction is very delicate, small, or exact. 精确的; 细微的

  1. 例:Johnson likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail.约翰逊喜欢这个大框架,但对小细节则保留看法。

10、[ADV] finely 精确地; 细微地

  1. 例:They had to take the finely balanced decision to let the visit proceed.他们不得不做出仔细权衡后的决定,让访问继续下去。

11、[[表赞许]] A fine person is someone you consider good, moral, and worth admiring. 品德高尚的; 值得钦佩的

  1. 例:He was an excellent journalist and a very fine man.他是名优秀的记者,也是个品德很高尚的人。

12、[ADJ] When the weather is fine, the sun is shining and it is not raining. 晴朗的

  1. 例:He might be doing some gardening if the weather is fine.如果天气晴朗,他也许会干点儿园艺活。

13、[[套语]] You say "fine" or "that's fine" to show that you do not object to an arrangement, action, or situation that has been suggested. 好的 (表示同意)

  1. 例:If competition is the best way to achieve it, then, fine.如果竞争是实现它的最佳方式,那么,好吧。

14、[V-T] If someone is fined, they are punished by being ordered to pay a sum of money because they have done something illegal or broken a rule. 罚款

  1. 例:She was fined $300 and banned from driving for one month.她被罚款$300,并被禁止驾车1个月。