
时间: 2024-12-29 16:52:48





1. n. 压力;压迫,[物] 压强

2. vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压


CET4   TEM4   ( pressuring, pressured, pressures )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Pressure 指的是施加在物体上的力量或对某人施加的心理负担。
  • 定义:Pressure 是一种物理量,表示单位面积上作用的力,同时在心理学中也指个体面临的紧张和焦虑感。
  • 词性:名词(n.)和动词(v.)。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Pressure 源自拉丁语 “pressura”,意为“压迫”或“压力”,由拉丁语动词 “premere”(压、压迫)派生而来。
  • 历史背景:Pressure 一词在英语中的首次使用可追溯至14世纪,主要用于描述物理现象和心理状态。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在科学、医学或商务文献中,常用于描述物理状态或心理压力。例如:“The pressure in the chamber must be controlled to ensure safety.”(“必须控制腔室内的压力以确保安全。”)
    • 非正式:在日常对话中,常用于描述个人感受,“I feel so much pressure to perform at work.”(“我在工作中感到很大的压力。”)
  • 特殊场合

    • 科学:在物理学中,pressure 是一个重要的量度,例如,气体压力。
    • 法律:在法律领域,可能指对某人施加的压力以获得某种结果,例如“coercive pressure”(强制性压力)。

4. 示例句子:

  1. The pressure in the tire needs to be checked regularly.

  2. She felt immense pressure to succeed in her exams.

  3. The doctor explained the importance of monitoring blood pressure.

  4. High pressure can lead to various health problems.

  5. The pressure to conform can be overwhelming for teenagers.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Stress:虽然都可以表示压力,但 stress 更侧重心理和情感方面的压力。
    • Force:更偏向物理意义,表示作用于物体的力量。
  • 反义词

    • Relief:表示减轻压力或痛苦的状态,如“After the exam, I felt a great relief.”(“考试后我感到很大的轻松。”)
    • Ease:表示放松或减轻的状态。

. 学方法:


  • /ˈprɛʃər/:通过声音记忆,可以反复朗读以加深印象。


  • 了解 “press” 作为词根的含义,联系到压力的概念,从而帮助理解 pressure 的多种用法。

7. 关联词汇:

  • High pressure(高压力)
  • Blood pressure(血压)
  • Atmospheric pressure(大气压力)
  • Peer pressure(同龄人压力)
  • Pressure cooker(压力锅)



1、[N-UNCOUNT] Pressure is force that you produce when you press hard on something. (用力按压而产生的) 压力

  1. 例:She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it.她用脚踢门,其产生的压力足以把门打开。

  2. 例:The pressure of his fingers had relaxed.他手指的压力已经减弱了。

2、[[also N in pl]] The pressure in a place or container is the force produced by the quantity of gas or liquid in that place or container. (某地或某容器内的气体或液体产生的) 压力

  1. 例:The window in the cockpit had blown in and the pressure dropped dramatically.驾驶舱的窗子已向内破裂,气压骤然下降。

3、[[also N in pl]] If there is pressure on a person, someone is trying to persuade or force them to do something. (因极力劝说或强迫某人做某事而造成的) 压力

  1. 例:He may have put pressure on her to agree.他可能已对她施压让她同意。

  2. 例:A lot of dot-coms were under pressure from their investors.很多网络公司那时都在承受着来自其投资者的压力。

4、[[also N in pl]] If you are experiencing pressure, you feel that you must do a lot of tasks or make a lot of decisions in very little time, or that people expect a lot from you. (因任务紧、决策时间短或别人的期望多而感到的) 压力

  1. 例:Can you work under pressure?你能在压力下工作吗?

  2. 例:Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn't stand the pressure.即使我有打网球的天资,我也承受不了那种压力。

5、[V-T] If you pressure someone to do something, you try forcefully to persuade them to do it. 对…施加压力

  1. 例:He will never pressure you to get married.他永远也不会给你施加压力让你结婚。

  2. 例:The Senate should not be pressured into making hasty decisions.参议院不应受压而做出草率的决定。

6、[ADJ] pressured 受压的

  1. 例:You're likely to feel anxious and pressured.你可能会感到焦虑并且有压力。