结束语 - concluding remarks
终点 - destination
结尾 - ending
结算 - settlement
终局 - finale
1. 会议结束了。
The meeting has ended.
2. 我们的讨论在这里结束。
Our discussion ends here.
3. 电影的结束让人感到意外。
The ending of the movie was surprising.
4. 请在活动结束时收拾东西。
Please pack up at @the@ end of @the@ event.
5. 结束工作后,他感到很疲惫。
He felt tired after finishing work.
6. 这项任务已经结束。
@This@ task is now complete.
7. 比赛结束时,比分是平局。
The game ended in a tie.
8. 她为结束这段关系感到遗憾。
She felt regretful about ending the relationship.
9. 书的结尾让我印象深刻。
The ending of the book left a deep impression.
10. 他决定在最佳时机结束争论。
He decided to end @the@ argument at @the@ best moment.
1. 会议结束了。
The meeting has ended.
2. 我们的讨论在这里结束。
Our discussion ends here.
3. 电影的结束让人感到意外。
The ending of the movie was surprising.
4. 请在活动结束时收拾东西。
Please pack up at @the@ end of @the@ event.
5. 结束工作后,他感到很疲惫。
He felt tired after finishing work.
6. 这项任务已经结束。
@This@ task is now complete.
7. 比赛结束时,比分是平局。
The game ended in a tie.
8. 她为结束这段关系感到遗憾。
She felt regretful about ending the relationship.
9. 书的结尾让我印象深刻。
The ending of the book left a deep impression.
10. 他决定在最佳时机结束争论。
He decided to end @the@ argument at @the@ best moment.