时间: 2024-12-29 19:34:35【job】怎么读
1. n. 工作;职业
2. vt. 承包;代客买卖
3. vi. 做零工
4. n. (Job)人名;(英)乔布;(法、葡)若布;(?-1605)约伯〈俄〉俄罗斯正教会莫斯科牧首。;(德、塞、捷、荷、意)约布
1. 基本定义:
例如:"He is looking for a job."(他正在找工作。) -
2. 词源与起源:
“Job”这个词的起源可以追溯到中古英语(Middle English)中的“gob”,意指“小块”或“部分”。在现代英语中,指代某种工作或任务。 -
该词在17世纪首次出现在印刷文本中,逐渐演变为现代意义的“工作”。 -
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在商务会议或求职面试中,使用“job”来指代职位或工作机会。
- 例: “I am applying for a job at the marketing department.”(我正在申请市场部的职位。)
- 非正式:在日常对话中,可以用更轻松的方式提到工作。
- 例: “I’ve got a new job!”(我找到了新工作!)
- 法律:在法律文件中,可能涉及“job duties”(工作职责)等条款。
- 科学:在研究中,可能提到“job performance”(工作表现)等相关概念。
4. 示例句子:
She has a full-time job at a tech company.
她在一家科技公司有一份全职工作。 -
What job are you looking for?
你在找什么工作? -
His job involves a lot of travel.
他的工作涉及大量出差。 -
I need to finish this job by Friday.
我需要在周五之前完成这项工作。 -
They offered him a job as a project manager.
*. My dream job is to become a writer.
She quit her job to travel around the world.
她辞掉了工作,去环游世界。 -
He did a great job on the presentation.
他在演示上表现得很出色。 -
This job requires strong communication skills.
这份工作需要很强的沟通能力。 -
Finding a job can be very challenging.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- position(职位):通常指特定的工作角色或职务。
- occupation(职业):更广泛,指一个人的工作领域或职业生涯。
- unemployment(失业):指没有工作的状态,与“job”的概念正好相反。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:
使用音标 /dʒɒb/ 来记住发音,结合词义进行联想。
7. 关联词汇:
- 常用搭配:
- part-time job(兼职工作)
- full-time job(全职工作)
- job interview(工作面试)
- job description(工作描述)
- job market(就业市场)
1、[N-COUNT] A job is the work that someone does to earn money. 工作
例:Once I'm in Miami I can get a job.一旦我到了迈阿密就能找到工作。
例:Thousands have lost their jobs.数千人都丢了工作。
2、[N-COUNT] A job is a particular task. 任务
例:He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn't take too much time.他说他希望结成联盟这项任务不会花太长时间。
3、[N-COUNT] The job of a particular person or thing is their duty or function. 职责
例:Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness.他们的主要职责是保健而不是治病。
例:His first job will be to try and get talks going between the two sides.他的首要职责将是设法让双方的谈话进行下去。
4、[N-SING] If you say that someone is doing a good job, you mean that they are doing something well. 活儿
例:We could do a far better job of managing it than they have.我们会比他们管理得好得多。
5、[[强调]] If you say that you have a job doing something, you are emphasizing how difficult it is. 难做的事情
例:He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors.他要让投资者们接受那一观点可能是件难事。
6、[PHRASE] If someone is on the job, they are actually doing a particular job or task. 在职; 在岗
例:The top pay scale after five years on the job would reach $5.00 an hour.从事这一工作5年后最高薪金等级可达每小时$5。