时间: 2024-12-28 21:12:55【new】怎么读
1. adj. 新的,新鲜的;更新的;初见的
2. adv. 新近
3. n. (New)人名;(英)纽
- 字面意思:
"New" 指的是某物刚刚出现、制造或获得,或者在某个时间段内是最新的、未被使用过的。 - 词性:
- 字面意思:
"New" 源自古英语 "niwe",其根源可追溯到原始日耳曼语的 "newja",意指“最近的”或“新近的”。这个词的构成没有前缀和后缀。 -
"New" 在英语中首次出现的时间大约在公元前5世纪的古英语文献中,如《贝奥武夫》等。这个词在多个文化和语言中都有相似的形式。 -
在*的英语教材中,"new" 通常出现在小学阶段的基础词汇部分;在牛津和美国的教材中,主要出现在初中和高中阶段的阅读理解和写作练中。
- 正式与非正式语境:
- 正式语境:
"The new policy will be implemented next month."
(新政策将于下月实施。) - 非正式语境:
"I just got a new phone!"
- 正式语境:
- 特殊场合:
- 科技领域:
"The new technology has revolutionized the industry."
(新技术革新了这个行业。) - 艺术领域:
"The artist's new work has received critical acclaim."
- 科技领域:
- 正式与非正式语境:
- "She wore a new dress to the party."
(她穿了一条新裙子去参加聚会。) - "The new restaurant downtown has great reviews."
(市中心的新餐厅评价很高。) - "He is looking for a new job."
(他正在找一份新工作。) - "This is the new edition of the book."
(这是这本书的新版本。) - "They announced a new plan for the project."
(他们公布了一个项目的新计划。) *. "The new law aims to protect consumers."
(新法律旨在保护消费者。) - "We need to come up with new ideas."
(我们需要想出一些新点子。) - "The new students are eager to learn."
(新生们渴望学*。) - "She has a new perspective on the issue."
(她对这个问题有了新的看法。) - "This is a new beginning for us."
- "She wore a new dress to the party."
- 同义词:
- Recent(最近的): 强调时间上的接近。
- Fresh(新鲜的): 常用于描述食物或新想法。
- Modern(现代的): 通常指与当前时代相关的事物。
- 反义词:
- Old(旧的): 指时间上的久远或使用过的物品。
- Used(使用过的): 明确指曾经被使用过的物品。
- Ancient(古老的): 通常指历史上非常久远的事物。
- 同义词:
*. *学方法教学**:
- 音标记忆法:
学 "new" 的发音为 /njuː/,可以通过多次朗读和听力练进行记忆。 - 词根记忆法:
理解 "new" 的基本含义和用法,通过联系生活中的新事物(如新手机、新朋友等)来加深记忆。
- 关联词汇:
- New idea(新想法)
- New product(新产品)
- New generation(新一代)
- New opportunities(新机会)
- New technology(新技术)
通过以上分析,学*者可以更全面地理解和运用 "new" 这个词。
1、[ADJ] Something that is new has been recently created, built, or invented or is in the process of being created, built, or invented. 新的
例:They've just opened a new hotel in the area.他们刚在该地区新开了一家旅馆。
例:These ideas are nothing new.这些想法并不新鲜。
2、[ADJ] Something that is new has not been used or owned by anyone. 崭新的
例:That afternoon she went out and bought a new dress.那天下午她出去买了一条新裙子。
例:There are many boats, new and used, for sale.有许多新船和旧船出售。
3、[ADJ] You use new to describe something which has replaced another thing, for example because you no longer have the old one, or it no longer exists, or it is no longer useful. 更新的
例:Under the new rules, some factories will cut emissions by as much as 90 percent.根据新规定,一些工厂将要削减多达90%的排放量。
例:I had to find somewhere new to live.我不得不找个新住处。
例:Rachel has a new boyfriend.雷切尔交了一个新的男朋友。
4、[ADJ] New is used to describe something that has only recently been discovered or noticed. 新发现的
例:The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth.这个新发现的行星大约是地球大小的10倍。
5、[[ADJ n]] A new day or year is the beginning of the next day or year. 新开始的 (一天、一年等)
例:The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.新年伊始正是回顾过去许多成绩的好时候。
6、[[ADJ n]] New is used to describe someone or something that has recently acquired a particular status or position. 新具有某一身份的
例:...the usual exhaustion of a new mother.…初为人母常有的疲惫不堪。
7、[[v-link ADJ]] If you are new to a situation or place, or if the situation or place is new to you, you have not previously seen it or had any experience with it. 新接触的
例:She wasn't new to the company.她对于公司来说并非是新人。
例:His name was new to me then and it stayed in my mind.那时他的名字对我来说是陌生的,后来我记住了它。
8、[[ADJ n]] New potatoes, carrots, or peas are produced early in the season for such vegetables and are usually small with a sweet flavour. 时鲜的 (蔬菜)
例:Serve with a salad and new potatoes.配着色拉和时鲜土豆一起吃。