
时间: 2024-12-29 16:44:15





1. n. 选择;选择权;精选品

2. adj. 精选的;仔细推敲的


CET4   TEM4   ( choicer, choicest, choices )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Choice指的是选择或决定,通常是指在多个选项之间做出选择的过程。
  • 词性:名词 (noun)

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Choice源自古法语“choisir”,而古法语则源于拉丁语“causare”,意为“选择”。这个词根传达了选择的行为和过程。

  • 历史背景:Choice一词的首次使用可以追溯到中世纪的文学作品中,当时它被用来描述在**或社会事务中的选择。

  • 课本:在*的英语教材中,choice常见于初中和高中阶段,通常出现在阅读理解和词汇练中。在牛津和美国的教材中,choice也常出现在初中和高中英语课程的会话和写作部分。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境:在正式语境中,choice常用于政策讨论、学术写作等场合,例如:“The government must make a difficult choice regarding budget allocation.”(政府必须在预算分配上做出艰难的选择。)在非正式语境中,choice可以用于日常交流,例如:“I have a choice between pizza and pasta for dinner.”(我晚餐有比萨和意大利面的选择。)

  • 特殊场合:在法律领域,choice可以指“选择权”,例如:“The choice of the jury was final.”(陪审团的选择是最终的。)在心理学中,choice与决策过程密切相关,例如:“The study examined how choice affects behavior.”(该研究考察了选择如何影响行为。)

4. 示例句子:

  1. I had no choice but to accept the offer.

  2. She made a wise choice in selecting that university.

  3. The choice of words in his speech was very impactful.

  4. Many people struggle with the choice between career and family.

  5. You have the choice to vote for your preferred candidate.

*. The students were given a choice of topics for their essays.

  1. In a democracy, the choice of leadership lies with the voters.

  2. Her choice of colors for the painting was quite unique.

  3. He faced a difficult choice between honesty and loyalty.

  4. There are many choices available in the market today.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Selection:更强调选择的过程。
    • Option:指选择的多样性,但不强调选择的行为。
    • Alternative:通常指一种可替代的选择。
  • 反义词

    • Obligation:表示没有选择的强迫性。
    • Constraint:暗示选择受到限制或控制。

. 学方法:

  • 音标记忆法:记住choice的发音 /tʃɔɪs/,可以通过反复朗读和拼写来加强记忆。
  • 词根记忆法:理解词根“causare”,并联想与选择相关的其他词汇,如“choose”。
  • 谐音联想记忆:将"choice"联想为“选择”中的“选”,在脑海中形成图像。

7. 关联词汇:

  • make a choice(做出选择)
  • have no choice(别无选择)
  • personal choice(个人选择)
  • difficult choice(艰难选择)
  • right choice(正确选择)



1、[N-COUNT] If there is a choice of things, there are several of them and you can choose the one you want. 选择

  1. 例:It's available in a choice of colours.它有多种颜色可供选择。

  2. 例:At lunchtime, there's a choice between the buffet or the set menu.午饭时,可以选择自助餐或套餐。

2、[N-COUNT] Your choice is someone or something that you choose from a range of things. 所挑选的人或物

  1. 例:Although he was only grumbling, his choice of words made Rodney angry.尽管他只是在发牢骚,但他所用的字眼却让罗德尼很生气。

3、[[ADJ n]] Choice means of very high quality. 优质的

  1. 例:...a box of their choicest chocolates.…他们的一盒上等巧克力。

4、[PHRASE] If you have no choice but to do something or have little choice but to do it, you cannot avoid doing it. 无选择余地

  1. 例:They had little choice but to agree to what he suggested.除了同意他的意见,他们别无选择。

5、[PHRASE] The thing or person of your choice is the one that you choose. 自己挑选的

  1. 例:...tickets to see the football team of your choice.…观看你所中意的足球队的门票。

6、[PHRASE] The item of choice is the one that most people prefer. 受多数人欢迎的

  1. 例:The drug is set to become the treatment of choice for asthma worldwide.这种药就要成为全世界治疗哮喘的首选药物。